
They start off strong and abundant.
Lively, colorful, there's nothing that can't be dreamt

They don't just come to us in the black of the night,
But also when the sun is shining it's warm delight

Day after day, we dream a new dream
There's nothing in this life that's impossible
Us and the universe- we're a team! 

Until, one by one, no dream actually comes true
We carried the title "dreamer," so proud and now it only makes us blue

You see, a dream is a gift that's been given to you
It's a grave tragedy to keep it in the box, shiny and new

A dream is the beginning, a start
In order to come to life, it needs a beating heart

It needs two hard working hands
And courage that can withstand
Withstand the people that will be confused
And the hard months, where it's energy goes unused

It needs grace
It's going to morph and change and this does not mean it needs to be replaced

It needs to get dirty, scuffed up, and bruised
This dream did not show up to only be mused

It came to be manifested
To be created and recreated again and again

This dream is your gift, your blessing, your curse
Life will bring challenges and trials, but it's up to you to traverse 

It's up to you to breathe your dream to life
A dream is only a dream, until you open your eyes

Poems and EssaysSkye Schanzer